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gas condensate中文是什么意思

用"gas condensate"造句"gas condensate"怎么读"gas condensate" in a sentence


  • 气体凝析油


  • The relatively volatile liquid hydrocaroons, is called gas condensates .
  • Research of condensate accumulation based on phase change of gas condensate
  • Application of the technology of the dry gas injection huff and puff on single well in kekeya gas condensate field
  • Several problems in development and production of fracture aquifer gas condensate reservoir : taking qianmiqiao buried hill gas condensate reservoir as the example
  • Case study proves that the proposed method is contributed to properly establish the inflow performance relationship ( ipr ) for gas condensate wells
  • Based on the experimental results , this paper puts forward a thermodynamic model for prediction of was precipitation in gas condensate mixtures
  • The application of the wet natural gas trans mission technique enables the operators and producing cast of gas condensate field development in the adverse circumstance , such as ocean , desert , gobi and seabeach , etc . to be reduced
  • Numerous theoretical analyses and field applications indicate that relative permeability to gas near wellbore area declines rapidly due to precipitation of retrograde condensate fluid , which will result in great changes of inflow performance of gas condensate wells
  • Based on an integrated analysis of geochemical and geological data from the surface and the boreholes of the yakela gas condensate field in tarim basin , the authors hold that there exist fine internal relations between borehole vertical geochemical characteristics of this gas field , geological factors controlling vertical percolation of hydrocarbon and surface geochemical anomalies
用"gas condensate"造句  
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